Welcome to The AZIRE

Back in 2010, Drs. Carlos S. Alvarado and Nancy L. Zingrone, established a project called “The Alvarado Zingrone Institute for Research and Education” under their consulting business, Alvarado Zingrone and Associates. The AZIRE was founded to be the category under which all of their online educational activities could take place. The original site contained lots of information about their own work (and this site includes that too) but especially highlighted the founding and development of The AZIRE Library and Learning Center in the virtual world, Second Life (which was founded before the website, on August 29th, 2009), as well as the WizIQ-based and Moodle-based teaching activities of the pair (which came along in 2010 with the original website). More recently also subsumed under The AZIRE aegis is the YouTube Channel Parapsychology Online.

Both research psychologists who have spent their careers working in and around the scientific study of what seem to be psychic experiences, Alvarado and Zingrone have not only conducted quite a bit of research over their nearly forty year collaboration but they are dedicated to providing both free and fee-based education in histories of psychical research and parapsychology as well as the findings, methods and theory of this difficult area of science.

Because standing libraries in the “real world” are so expensive to develop and maintain and bricks and mortar institutions of higher education so unlikely to embrace this type of research or education — especially in the United States where Alvarado and Zingrone live — they have moved their efforts online. This website is designed to highlight these efforts and provide additional resources for the serious student of the field, whether they are pursuing a personal passion or adding to their academic or scientific skill set.

18 thoughts on “Welcome to The AZIRE

  1. My 8year old daughter told me something really bad was going to happen and that somebody was going to hurt her. We had an extremely close relationship and I had many conversations with her about it.
    On the 18th of September 2015 she was killed by a drunk driver, speeding down a residential road.
    30 days before she died she had being playing on my laptop alone when she had “some kind of experience” it is clear that she was extremely traumatized and somehow took images and video, which we only discovered after her death. I need somebody to talk to about this. Please help.

  2. Dear John:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I think you might want to get in touch with our friends Phran and Bob Ginsberg of the Forever Family Foundation. Not only will they understand your grief (they lost their daughter when she was a teen) but they have a wonderful organization that provides grieving family members with information and activities. In addition, the President of their Board is a paranormal investigator who is very trustworthy. Here is their website: https://www.foreverfamilyfoundation.org/. I’ll write you privately with their email.



  3. Dear Nancy: I am pleased to see the beauty of this project and how well it is all going. Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of it and for everything you are doing for this wonderful scientific field. Best wishes and much success to you and Carlos!

  4. Hello nancy,
    I am very intrested in parapsycology.I have a Weird theory regarding afterlife. But whenever i share it with my friends they telling me that you are psyco and you better need to consult a doctor.I want to prove my theory but i dont had enough experience or knowledge. I want to study in this field but there is no collegus offering a dipolma course in this field.How can i solve this problem?

  5. I’m an Rn; knowing the mindset established by traditional religions and the rigors of scientific evidence, I still risk critic thinking in hopes to benefit someone out there…my child passed away 6 years ago from chronic heart disease, being previously “prepared” to face her imminent death, still the process was painful. I had practiced meditation and altered mind states and experienced subjective psychic phenomena, the emphasis on subjective because I’ve learned to separate alert perception from altered mind perception. Anyway after my child’s death I experienced lucid dreaming about her new state of existence, as I know her to be pure psyche, still I went into a depressed state of mind recently and in meditation asked for a way to know beyond myself she was alright,during my meditation my cell phone interrupted with three notifications coming from my own cell phone, the said:”I’m ok,””we are related”,”my pleasure”.my phone didn’t do this before and never since…

  6. Ive been into paranormal subjects my whole life I want to go to school and become one can you guide me I am near the U of A

  7. Thomas, if you mean the Universty of Arizona, Pima Community College in Tuscon has a long-standing for-credit course in general psychology taught by Dr. Bill Everist, but not a program.

    There are no colleges that offer any degrees in parapsychology in the United States, but there are a few online degrees programs that include parapsychology. One is Atlantic Univesity, that I mentioned in a response to another comment. Two others are also accredited by the DEAC (Atlantic Univesity’s acceditor), the Holmes Institute (http://holmesinstitute.edu/) and the University of Philosophical Research (https://www.uprs.edu/). The first regionally accredited Masters of Consciousness and Transformative Studies (which includes parapsychology) is on offer from John K. Kennedy University, a part of the National Univesity System. JFK’s program is both on site and online or a combination of both. The University has campuses in Pleasant Hill and San Jose, California. You can find the infomation about their MA here: https://www.jfku.edu/program/ma-consciousness-and-transformative-studies/.

    But unfortunately there’s nowhere in the US that you can get a program that focuses directly on parapsychology. Usually what happens is that you get a single course or if you’re lucky, two, and the rest are related courses in either transersonal psychology or consciousness. So individuals who have a serious interest in the scientific side of the field are very much independent scholars of the field. This can be problematic because many luminaries in the field are well-versed in the specific phenoomena or methodology in which they are interested, but there are precious few who have an understanding of the field as a whole. One exception to this is Professor Ed Kelly at the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia, but alas, that unit is research-based only and does not have an educational wing.

    A great place to check for parapsychology in other countries is the Univesity Education page on the Parapsychological Association website. Here’s the link to that: https://www.parapsych.org/section/34/university_education_in.aspx/ This list includes 8 other countries besides the US and the distance learning list as well. Hope that helps!

  8. Dear Felix:
    Thanks for getting in touch. First, my condolences. Loss is so difficult and it sounds like you did so many thngs to help you move through your grief and that’s both brave and wonderful. As to your experience of texting, there are other folks who have experienced that phenomena themselves. Dr. Callum E. Cooper from the University of Nottingham did his PhD dissertation on similar phenomena and has a book that you may already know about, but if not, here’s the link: https://www.amazon.com/Telephone-Calls-Dead-Callum-Cooper/dp/0957107412/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1532336602&sr=8-2&keywords=callum+e+cooper. This is Dr Cooper’s website: http://www.callumecooper.com/ and here is his biography on the Parapsychological Association which is quite complete: https://www.parapsych.org/users/cal/profile.aspx.
    I would say look into his work, and perhaps get in touch with him as well. If you search for Callum E Cooper Northampton University on Google, you can find his faculty page which has his email.

  9. i am attempting to photograph human radiations linked to physical and psychic processes, looking in the ultraviolet spectrum, using B&W film and a lab-grade digital camera. is anyone in your circle pursuing this avenue with regards to the energies behind parapsychology?
    Brian Powell

  10. Thanks for your comment, Brian. I’m sorry I missed this last month. I think you might want to get in touch with Callum E. Cooper, an academic in the UK and Loyd Auerbach here in the US, as they might have an answer to your question. I’ll drop you a private email with their emails.

  11. I’m welling to study about paranormal activity… is there anyone to guide me… I’m from India

  12. I was born with a tremendous very rare and frankly shocking gift and one that many people do not understand and frankly are afraid of when they see it. Where can I go to study parapsychology in the USA? Is there a research institution? research on someone like me?
    I have never found anyone else who has my gift. Never. I am sure they are people out there like me but not to the extent that I have it.

  13. I had a special experience in that I had a meditation that created a special feeling in me (like sadness: by putting sad songs, sexual energy) while also looking at a picture of a person and I realized that that he can understand my feelings at the same time. I did some research on this :


  14. That’s a fascinating experience, Arya. And thanks for included a link to the article you read. That’s really helpful for folks who have similar experiences.

  15. Dear Mary:

    I’m sorry I didn’t see this earlier. There aren’t many places but what’s out there have different types of programs. You might explore the Rhine Research Center, the Institute for Noetic Sciences, or Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightment. Once you explore their websites and get a sense of what their different approaches, services, and education programs are, you can decide what fits your experience best. Good luck!

  16. Hi Sanchita:
    I’m sorry it took me so long to see your comment. I would check Andhra University and the Yoga Institute that is connected to Andhra. Dr. Ramakrishna Rao who was the executive director of the Rhine Research Center in the United States for many years and was Chancellor of Andhra University as well. He trained a number of professors and other academics who are very knowledgeable about the theoretical and scientific side of the field, as well as of the psychological aspects of the phenomena. Good luck.

  17. Hi Professor Zingrone,

    I’m Paul Corson back from death’s door due to a defibrillator and pacemaker implant.

    I hope that you and your husband are healthy and enjoying the great outdoors of North Caroline.

    I hope that you’re still editing. I have a piece that I would submit via email. Please provide your address.

    Many thanks,

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